02 October, 2021

Spiritual consequences of women wearing revealing clothes


In rural areas women may be seen dressed in revealing clothes or being topless, but it is considered as their custom, the same may not be accepted in a city where a woman is looked down upon wearing revealing clothes, similarly I have seen many rural women smoking or chewing tobacco but when a lady staying in a city does the same it may not be accepted by many.


It is not about wearing, it is about the feeling to sexually provoke anyone


This article is about the spiritual harm done to women who intentionally wear revealing clothes or in any way provoke others sexually (of course applicable to men as well)


I ask some simple questions; the answer to these questions is the answer to the above mentioned topic


Why do we cover a bottle of milk while feeding a child?

Why do we keep food covered instead of open display?

Why do we hang an evil eye “repellent” in the house?

Why we do not display our wealth openly?


The answer is same; to ward off evil energy (evil eye) which causes harm

Similarly a woman dressed in revealing clothes continuously receives such bad energy (there is a communication of negative energy between the person and the woman, which in no way is beneficial to both of them), it may boost her ego due to the attention received, but she certainly is inviting the negative energies towards her as she uses her body to distract men from purposeful and higher thoughts – thus leading to the decay of their thought process (the process of thought is the basis of spiritual progress)


She is equally affected when a man sees her photo or video, energy is transferred in this case also ( aura can also be studied by looking at the photo of the person, and a psychic person can come to know that the person is dead since the photo of a dead person does not show aura)


I end by saying that a spiritually accomplished person would never have the feeling to sexually provoke anyone


You may also like to read my article on sex (click on link below)

